P.O. Box 356 195 West David Parnell Street
Parkton, NC 28371-0365
Telephone: 910.858.3779 Fax: 910.446.4340
Email: 1watchman@1stmbcparktonnc.org

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”
Romans 8:28
Church Announcer
Mission Statement: Each Sunday inform worshipers of pertinent information and upcoming church events.
Meeting Times: As needed
Church Hostess
Mission Statement: Each Sunday cordially and officially welcome everyone to worship service and inform them of our pastor and first lady.
Meeting Times: As needed
Chairperson: Charlene Harris
Mission Statement: Assist the pastor by doing benevolence work, ensure the Communion table is prepared on Communion Sunday, help female baptism candidates prepare for baptism, counsel, mentor, and serve as role models to the young ladies.
Meeting Times: As needed
Chairperson: Barbara Sansbury
Vice: Geneva Hill
Mission Statement: Assist the pastor by doing benevolence work, to include visiting the sick and shut-in, serving Communion, providing relief to the poor, helping families in distress, and being alert to the spiritual needs of the congregation; assist pastor with baptisms.
Meeting Times: Sunday at 10:45am
Chairperson: Walter R. Sansbury
Vice: Tony Brewington
Mission Statement: Aesthetically prepare the sanctuary and church grounds through floral arrangements. Setup up and take down seasonal decorative arrangements.
Meeting Times: As needed
Chairperson: Anne Ferguson
Vice: Michele Brewington
Food Service
Mission Statement: Prepare meals and fellowship hall for various functions. Ensure the cleanliness of kitchen and proper storage of utensils and supplies.
Meeting Times: As needed
Chairperson: Eva Hill
Vice: Charlotte McBryde
Gospel Choir
Mission Statement: To lift up the name of Jesus, inspire and encourage the congregation through song.
Meeting Times: Tuesday night before the 2nd Sunday at 6pm
Chairperson: Walter R. Sansbury
Laymen’s League
Mission Statement: Encourage men to support the church through active involvement in their local congregation. To provide assistance to church members and community at large and develop men to follow biblical teaching through their witness, service and study of God’s Word.
Meeting Times: First Sunday after morning worship service
Chairperson: Ira R. Chavis
Vice: William R. Chavis
Male Chorus
Mission Statement: Share the Good News of Jesus Christ and encourage congregational worship through song.
Meeting Times: Each Monday at 6pm
Chairperson: Walter R. Sansbury
Vice: Theodore McMillian
Missionary Department
Mission Statement: To help those in need while fulfilling the Great Commission by taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people, and to educate, equip, and keep the importance of missions before the congregation.
Meeting Times: Thursdays before the 3rd Sunday at 5:00pm
President: Rev. Dr. Katrina Gamble
Vice: Michele Brewington
New Members
Mission Statement: Assist pastor by providing potential new members an overview of basic Christian doctrines, beliefs, ministries, and taking an active role in the life of the church.
Meeting Times: As needed on Sundays at 9:45am
Chairperson: Theodore McMillan
Pastor's Aide
Mission Statement: Assist the pastor with personal responsibilities such as maintaining his robes and overseeing the needs of the pastor's family.
Meeting Times: As needed
Chairperson: Deaconess Barbara Sansbury
Vice: Carol McBryde
Sick and Benevolence
Mission Statement: Ensure pastor and deacons are informed of any sick or shut-in members. Maintain contact with members through cards, phone calls, and visitations.
Meeting Times: As needed
Chairperson: Patricia Cooper
Vice: Val Kemp
Sunday School
Mission Statement: Teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people of all ages in a classroom environment. Strengthen the faith of believers and introduce the Good News of salvation to non-believers.
Meeting Times: Sundays 9:45am ~ 10:45am
Chairperson: Nathaniel Solomon
Mission Statement: With proper stewardship, oversee the financial aspects of operating the church, making sure the church can meet its financial obligations, and ensure proper maintenance and church property are in proper order.
Meeting Times: As needed
Chairperson: William R. Chavis
Vice: Willie McBryde
Mission Statement: Cheerfully greet and extend the love of Christ to all worshippers, guide them to their seats, strive to ensure the comfort of all attendees.
Meeting Times: Second Sunday after worship service
Chairperson: Tony Brewington
Vice: Clarence Butler
Mission Statement: Developing the youth to become devoted followers of Jesus Christ while working in close partnership with parents to ensure the spiritual growth of their children in an atmosphere conducive to learning.
Meeting Times: Second Sunday after morning worship service
Chairperson: Linda Williams
Vice: Felicia Forté